The process
Before you experience a LifePlan you'll spend 30-60 minutes with Jeremy on the phone or in person to determine if a LifePlan is right for you. On occasion we find a LifePlan may not be the right fit or you may not be in the right season of life to engage.
If together we agree a LifePlan is right for you, you'll spend 2 full days one-on-one with Jeremy, a Paterson-trained LifePlan Guide. The process is extremely thorough, confidential, and a discovery process of truth and purpose in your life. 75% of the time you spend in the LifePlan is gaining perspective by learning your story through the lens of several tools.
Some of the tools you'll work through include identifying your specific objectives, that if accomplished make for a successful LifePlan. You'll follow with 4 Helpful Lists by pinpointing what's right, what's wrong, what's missing, and what's confused in your life.
Turning Points are where we'll discuss your story as you share significant people and events in your life that have shaped you to become who you are and changed the trajectory of your life.
Key to finding your purpose in life is the Talent-Heart Assessment. During this tool you'll go on a treasure hunt to uncover your core talents by diving into your passions, drives, yearnings and many more. The Heart component is driven by what you care about and what you want your "opus gloria" in life to be. It's the intersection of the Talent-Heart Assessment that is critical in discovering your unique purpose in life.
One of the most impactful tools is the Life Dashboard. It's here that after perspective we've gained where you'll craft your purpose statement, answering the question "why I exist." You'll come up with a vision based on where you see yourself down the road and come up with strategies to get there. We'll also check the currently health of those strategies and identify risks that might prevent you from achieving your life vision.
Many LifePlan clients desire a plan because they're in the wrong vocation and want to find fulfillment and satisfaction in their career. Near the end of the LifePlan you'll transverse various vocational tools to help evaluate options that may be right for you based on the perspective and purpose you've identified.
These are just a few of the tools we'll work through to help you discover and live out the joyful life you were meant to live. It is our goal to help you discover the plans in your life that will help you prosper and bring you hope and a future.